Different cultures have used various methods of transporting children. The methods ranged from prams, portable bassinets, strollers, slings, backpacks, baskets and bicycle carriers. In this article, the mode of transport that is of greatest concern to us is the stroller. StroIIers are for small children up to three years old . The child, when in the stroller, is in sitting position facing forward. However, newer versions of the strollers can be configured to carry a child lying down. The revolution in the stroller industry has been tremendous which has brought about the invention of different models and designs of strollers such as the twin strollers ; designed for babies same age such as twins.
A travel system typically consists of a chassis with a detachable baby seat. This attribute enables a travel system to switch from a pushchair to a pram and vice versa . The removable frame makes transportation of the stroller easy since it will be smaller and the baby seat will switch into a base meant to stay in an automobile thus making it a car seat for the child which in turn allows the child movement without any form of disturbance. Modern designs have brought about the transformation of the stroller to a click scooter due to the possibility of the lower body to be elongated.
However, there are some essential features of strollers which are vital to look out for when choosing a stroller:
1. Height adjustable handle - this makes it possible for the stroller to be driven by people of different heights since when driving, the handle should be waist high or slightly below thus the adjustable handle makes this possible? Brake mechanism -this helps keep the stroller at a standstill or even to regulate the stroller speed, especially for the jogging stroller.
3. Types of straps - the straps should include chest straps, waist straps, and crotch straps.These belts are essential to ensure the safety of the child.
4. Padding - most strollers tend to have less padding compared to prams whereas some have more which increases the level of comfort for the child.
5. Head barrier - this is basically for preventing the child's head from toppling over and being trapped between the stroller framesReclining seat
6. Tires - these vary from the air filled tire which is the most comfortable but can easily get punctured; the foam filled tires which ensure fewer jerks for younger children and cannot get punctured.
7. Suspension - this reduces shock brought about by bumps or rocks along the way thus making the ride comfortable.
8. Protective shade - this is important since the child‘s skin cannot be able to withstand the intense heat from the sun while having an outdoor walk during the day. The protective shadel canopy is mostly detachable thus making cleaning the stroller easy.
9. Footrest - this is most important for children of about three years. The footrest adds length to the seat thus providing calf support to the toddler.
9. Mosquito net - this significantly applies to malaria-prone areas. The mosquito net helps keep out mosquitoes from the child. ls detachable and therefore can be cleaned and treated regularly.
11. Tires - these vary from the air filled tire which is the most comfortable but can easily get a puncture. The foam filled tires which ensure fewer jerks for younger children.
11 . Folding mechanism - this mostly attributed to the removable parts of the stroller. These core features provide an outline of the proper stroller to buy for the child. However, there are some characteristics that one should take into consideration when purchasing a stroller.
The following components ensure the riders convenience and child safety:
1. Weight - some strollers tend to be lightweight which may be convenient for the parent. However; the lightweight strollers tend to be unstable thus are not recommended for carrying newborns who make strollers more suitable for toddlers and older kids.
2. Quality of the ride - newborns need strollers with large wheels. Better suspension and more comfortable seating since they are delicate.
3. Maneuverability - the ability of a stroller to maneuver in crowded places and long distances depending on the stroller width, size of wheels and stroller weight. Therefore, the narrower the width, the smaller the wheels and the lighter the stroller, the easier it is for the stroller to maneuver.
4. Flexibility - more comfort is brought about with more flexibility of the stroller. Also, the flexibility of the stroller makes it possible for the child's movement without experiencing any disturbance.
As we can see, strollers can serve a great purpose when taking a walk with the newborn child or toddler. With the stroller features and characteristics put into consideration, one is bound to buy a perfect stroller which will ensure the child's safety, have excellent maneuverability and flexibility.

Your baby is precious cargo. You must have a stroller that keeps your baby comfortable and safe. There are many factors that you must consider in buying quality strollers and travel systems that grow with your baby. These include lightweight materials, modern and compact styling, all-terrain capability, luxury and other useful features. Therefore, you have to evaluate the model, registry and other options that will be best for you and your baby.
How to select quality strollers and travel systems
From newborn babies up to six months old, selecting a quality stroller and travel system needs special consideration- Until the baby can control his or her neck and head, you need a carrier or a travel system that fully and safely support your infant with a recline feature. It can simplify your life when you own a stroller that is compatible with an infant car seat or the stroller comes with a car seat.
1. All-in-one travel systems
A travel system consists of a stroller, an infant car seat and a car-seat base. This can be heavy and can take up some more room than merely a stroller frame. But if your baby is six months and is capable of sitting up, you will have more flexibility in using the travel system stroller with no infant seat strapped in.
There are some travel systems that can accommodate a baby less than six months old with no car seat that is if the seat reclines to almost flat. A travel system can be more costly but has a better value as a stroller can be outgrown by your child, not like a car seat carrier frame.
2. Infant IBar Seats
You must choose the car seat carriers with lightweight frames. These can let you attach the infant car seat. You can merely remove the infant seat the base in the car with your baby and all, and then snap it into the frame. It is good for your napping baby. Stroller frames are not expensive and are lightweight, which makes them very handy when you are on a quick trip to the market or when you take a train or a bus.
When your baby is six months and is able to sit up, you are going to take long strolls and take him with you on some errands, as well as trips to aquariums, parks, and others. Either you just have to stroll directly from your house or you have to drive or take a public transportation to get around, these might be your deciding factors in choosing quality strollers and travel systems.
1. Public transportation or suburban walk
You need to have a compact and lightweight stroller that is strong and can be folded quickly and easily. A car seat carrier frame will work well just like a travel system that's lightweight. For babies older than six months or a toddler, you have to consider an umbrella stroller. A stronger stroller can be easily pushed during long walks. However, a bigger one is heavier and more challenging especially in public transportation areas with stairs. If you do have a car, ensure that you easily fit the stroller into the trunk or back seat.
2. Test Drive
It should be real and virtual. You have to test drive the stroller in all paces like running, walking, boarding airplanes and navigating the sidewalks. Ensure that you will be comfortable with the handle grip and height, brakes and swivel lock mechanisms are easy to use, the backrest is easy to adjust, the harness is easy to fasten or unfasten, it is easy to lift or carry when open or folded and it is easy for storage, among others.
3. Warranty and certification
You must check for warranties offered by retailers and manufacturers. These must cover the flaws and poor workmanship but not really the malfunctions. You may need a replacement or ship it for repair at your own expense.
You also have to search for a sticker that shows the manufacturer's certification program given by the JPMA (Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association). This means that the product has been tested for the stroller's stability, brakes, leg openings, locking mechanisms, restraint system, as well as the absence of sharp points and edges can shear, pinch or scissor a child or parent.
On Trend Scandinavian Designed Strollers
Here are a few that offer you and your child quality strollers and travel systems:
1. Sole
It has a colorful and unique collection, which can be analogous to childhood. It reflects warmth, energy and good feelings. its bright colors can stimulate recognition process and can encourage communication, as well as creativity.
2. Polaris City
lf you are eager to travel looking for new impressions, this is for you and your baby. It is durable, lightweight, very compact and has foldable chassis that can fit into the boot of a small city car. it has fashionable and modern colors, as well as the dynamic design that can perfectly match its practicality and reliability.
3. Polaris
It is practical and reliable, as well as subtly elegant and stylish . It is capable of growing together with your baby from an infant‘s cradle to a sporty section that's suitable for a 3-year-old child.
It will help your baby feel comfortable and safe even though on a summer, autumn or winter day in a city bustle or country farm. It will faithfully protect your child.
4. Fjordi
It is inspired by the Norwegian lifestyle and culture. The extreme weather conditions create a major impact on your baby's comfort and well-being. It has a comfortable interior and its design is made to protect your baby against the rain and wind. It is embroidery is a homemade reminiscence, which part of the Scandinavian culture.

With that being said, to accommodate these needs, there are some common features that the buyer should look for. Some of the most notable and invaluable are provided in the section below.
Before getting started, however, it is very important that people are doing their research first. By researching information that relates to buying the best baby strollers, everyone can identify the features that must be induced.
Feature #1 - Light weight
Finding a stroller that is light weight is not a luxury today, but a necessity. Since a stroller should be easy to pick up and place inside the family's vehicle, the top manufacturers are making many of their strollers easy for the moms and their babysitters to transport it whenever it is needed. Also, because many moms work outside of the home, their strollers must be easy to move around quickly without the anyone having to struggle or deal with a heavy stroller that they cannot pickup.
Feature #2 - Easy to Fold and Store Away
Another important feature that is normally included in the best baby strollers in the industry involves its ease in folding and storing away. For instance, some strollers have been made with quick fold technology. With this type of technology, the family can fold the stroller in one step. This one step action will make it easy to fold, while it will also reduce the time in storing it away.
Feature #3 - Plush Padded Seating
Plush padded seating is essential to the baby's overall comfort. Because some trips take a lot more time than others, the extra plush padded seats can make it easy for the baby to sit quietly in comfort for long stretches . The plush padding will also make it very comfortable for the baby to take a nap whenever they decide that they want to close their eyes.
Feature #4 - Front Wheel Suspension System
Car and baby stroller front wheel suspension systems are important too. With a front wheel suspension that has a quality feel, the baby can enjoy a smooth ride. Also, with this feature, parents can make sure the baby will not be jostled about because of all of the bumps that can be felt along the sidewalks and city roads-
Feature #5 - Doubles as a Car Seat
When a baby is born, moms and dads will buy everything that they can to make sure all of the baby's needs are met. Baby strollers, car seats, baby baths, pampers are only a few of the items that will be needed to take care of the baby properly. Because these items can quickly add up, some people will carry all of these items with them in case there is a real need. To reduce a number of items that the individual takes with them, however, parents can look for items that can double as other essential items. For instance, a baby stroller can double as a car seat that can be removed and placed in the back seat of a car.

Choosing the best baby strollers for your child can be a fun but somewhat overwhelming task. What features are you looking for to ensure safety and convenience? How will the stroller make transporting your baby from point A to point B? ls, there a warranty? Product reviews? Expert opinions?